Personal Training
At the Hallamshire we offer a Personal Training service that is adaptable to your needs, here you won’t find cookie cuter approaches or a one plan fits all mentality. Instead you will be met with an approach that models the sessions to your needs whether that be weight loss, gaining strength, recovery from an injury or even if you're looking to improve your tennis and squash performance.
Our trainers, Jack and Eddie have a plethora of exercises and have worked with a large range of clients with a vast variety of needs going from strength athletes to helping people suffering with chronic pain.
So whether you’re new to the gym or looking to take your performance to the next level we will be able to cater to your requirements
1 x 1-hour session £27
5 x 1-hour sessions £125
10 x 1-hour sessions £243
Sessions can only be purchased in hourly blocks but can be split into 30 minute slots for those that find 1-hour sessions too long.
Find out more about our gym team below.